Perhaps the most striking feature in our sanctuary is the over 100 year old Hinner Tracker Organ, which has just undergone a total restoration. The fourteen rank instrument was built and placed in the church sanctuary in 1913. It is believed to be one of the last original church pipe organs remaining in LaGrange County. The instrument contains 785 pipes. These range in size from smaller than a pencil to huge 10 foot wooden pipes hidden within the structure. The masterful restoration was performed by the Levsen Organ Company of Buffalo, Iowa. The quarter-sawn oak casework is original to the instrument, as is the keyboard.

The organ now also houses the Clugston Memorial Chimes, which were originally placed in the Fellowship Hall. The 21 bronze-tubed chime was a gift of Frank R. Smith in memory of his mother, Mrs. J.F Clugston, a long time member of the church. The chimes were installed in 1938 by E.B. Bohn of the Bohn Organ Company of Fort Wayne.
Incidentally, both the organ and chimes were installed during the pastorates of Rev. Dale Truesdale; the first, 1910-14 and the second, 1936-42.